Daria Mikhailichenko
Digital Marketing Expert
Who am I?
I started my career in 2018 in the IT sector as Digital marketeer, and then a year later I discovered the world of beauty and worked in a multi-brand cosmetics company as a digital marketer for 4 years in Ukraine. After moving to Belgium, Profile Group and its wonderful team helped me join the recruitment sector. I am a very positive and inquisitive person, I like to discover new things for myself and work on my self-improvement.
About my job
I came to Profile Group as a digital marketer to help implement a digital marketing strategy and increase the company’s visibility in the online world. I have a very interesting job, which includes optimizing sites for search engines, working with remarketing and email newsletters, implementing targeted and contextual advertising, and certain analytical tasks.
What I like about Profile Group?
I like the pleasant friendly atmosphere, which only helps to realize all the plans and goals of the company. From the first day of work, I plunged into an interesting job and realized that here I could discover myself as a marketeer in a new field – recruitment. Here I feel at home with a wonderful, hardworking and friendly team.