Alexandre George
R&S Business Manager & Senior Recruitment Expert
Who am I?
I’m a pure Liégeois, in the good sense of the word of course, passionate about the wonderful HR profession(s) and father of an incredible little boy called Augustin. On a more personal note, I love cinema and I play squash at a very high level (for the commune of Beaufays).
My experience in recruitment
Trained as a journalist, I discovered the HR profession at LEM intérim initially as a consultant specialising in technical profiles before taking on responsibility for the selection team at the Liège branch. After 10 years in the temping world, I joined the Profile Group office in Liège in a mixed role as business developer, recruiter and, more recently, manager of the R&S team.
Some testimonials from candidates
Maureen Viatour
Business Operation Manager - COVIVINS
I would recommend Alexandre for his involvement and attentiveness during the recruitment process. A professional and very encouraging follow-up!
10312 array(2) { [0]=> string(2) "rs" [1]=> string(10) "execsearch" }
Linda Yildiz
HR Payroll Officer - DELACRE
I had the opportunity to have a pleasant recruitment process thanks to Alexandre. “I would recommend his professionalism, his attentiveness and his follow-up, which enabled me to feel more confident during my interviews.”
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Noa Meyers
HR Assistant - DELACRE
Alexandre enabled me to sign my first contract with a company that suits me. He was very attentive and available throughout the recruitment process and to this day is still monitoring the start of my career!”
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Ninon Fol
Process Analyst - SKECHERS
Alexandre enabled me to sign a contract that totally matched my new professional expectations. Very attentive, responsive and available throughout the recruitment process, I thank and recommend Alexandre!
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Some testimonials from clients
Marine Dock
I’m currently working with Alexandre on various recruitment assignments for Skechers EDC, and I’d like to emphasise his ability to bring a lot of positivity and a real human dimension to our discussions. Alexandre is also a great listener and a quick thinker. He doesn’t hesitate to use his sense of humour and his creativity, which are undoubtedly important assets that enhance his persuasiveness.
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What I like about Profile Group?
Their vision of management and their sales approach, which is genuinely customer-focused. That’s what appealed to me and what continues to appeal to me every day. Not thinking in terms of ‘sales’ but in terms of ‘partnership’ and ‘added value’; it’s thanks to this dynamic that I can openly say that my job at Profile is one of passion. But also, nothing would be possible without the trust and sharing within an incredible team. In passing, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my management for their tolerance in the face of my sarcasm and sometimes inappropriate jokes.